Trade Balance Update, Feb 7, 2024
Canada had a merchandise trade deficit of $312 million in December of 2023 according to numbers released on Feb 7 by Statistics Canada.1 It’s Canada’s first monthly trade deficit since July. The climbing value of the Canadian dollar was a [...]
Top Logistics Hubs Around the World
Every day the supply chain becomes increasingly modernized as technology and economies influence the efficacy of supply chains [...]
Can Rail Freight Become Driverless?
If autonomous rail freight were to become a reality, the benefits could be abundant. More trains could operate, [...]
How Mattress-in-a-Box Companies Utilize the Supply Chain to Win
Before 2014, consumers bought their mattresses in-person at big-box stores. At that time, no one anticipated the mattress-in-a-box [...]
Natural Disaster Logistics: Hurricane Dorian
Volunteers receive relief supplies at the New Providence Community Center bound for survivors on Abaco and Grand [...]
Apps that are uberising the supply chain
Uber’s original smartphone app revolutionized the way people travel thanks to its transparent features. Launched in 2011, [...]
Export Gains From May Erased In Latest June Update
Longshoremen handling aluminum ingots at port. Photo Credit: JAXPORT, Meredith Fordham Hughes Statistics Canada released the [...]
The Smart Shipping Container Revolution
Most of today’s shipping containers are made of steel. But these traditional shipping containers come with a number [...]
Lessons of Military Logistics from the Front Lines
In WWII, military logistics set the tone for the future of international logistics. From 1939 to 1945, the [...]